Saints row 2 fight club locations
Saints row 2 fight club locations

Left Bumper - (tap) Throw Human Shield / (hold) Hold Human Shield Left Trigger - Secondary Attack / Kill Shield

saints row 2 fight club locations

Saint's Row 2 Guide Xbox 360 Controls On Foot Controls Activity requirements differ in co-op mode. Note: All strategies contained within are based on single-player gameplay. This guide includes a walkthrough covering all fifty-six missions, strategies for all activities and diversions maps showing the location of every tag, CD, stunt jump, and barnstorm a list of every unlockable, cheat, achievement, and requirement for attaining the 100% completion stat, as well as general tips and an overview of the multiplayer mode. After recovering from an explosion that left the main character burned beyond recognition, it’s time to break out of the Stilwater penitentiary and restore the 3rd Street Saints to its former glory! The city of Stilwater is hotly contested, with each gang controlling certain territories. Since then, three new rival gangs have sprung up The Sons of Samedi, The Brotherhood, and The Ronin, as well as the enterprising Ultor Corporation.

saints row 2 fight club locations

Saints Row 2 picks up 5 years after the events that took place in the first game of the series.

Saints row 2 fight club locations